
Showing posts from March, 2023

Can Science and Faith Co-exist?

This blog post explores whether you can be both a good scientist and believe in God, by examining the religious faith and contributions made from some of the greatest scientists throughout history. Can you be both a good scientist and believe in God? (By Michelle Smithe, contributor/volunteer at ) It turns out the history of science is rich with believing Christians, for whom the process of discovery did not jeopardize their faith, but enforced it.  The importance of believers in the history of science is revealed by none other than Albert Einstein.  Einstein kept pictures of three scientific heroes on the wall of his study: Isaac Newton , Michael Faraday , and James Clerk Maxwell . Consider Isaac Newton, who co-discovered calculus, formulated the laws of motion and gravity, computed the nature of planetary orbits, invented the reflecting telescope, and made a number of discoveries in optics.  Newton had profound knowledge of, and faith in, the Bible.  Newton’s understan